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Life just hit us all in the head with a brick … Hail the fail.
COVID-19 Enda Larkin COVID-19 Enda Larkin

Life just hit us all in the head with a brick … Hail the fail.

There is naturally a lot of doom and gloom about in business circles, and life generally, at present. Sure, we must remain optimistic and look to better days – they will return - but we also have to accept that there is going to be carnage for a while. On the business front, the projections for the survival of many enterprises are stark which in turn has huge implications for owners, managers, employees and indeed customers. For people. Every business whether large and small, new or established, old-school or cutting edge is in a dogfight for survival right now. I am in the same fight as everyone else in this regard so this is not theoretical for me. And sadly, many companies will not make it. No matter what happens, failure is going to be a big part of our lives in the months and years ahead.

That is why it is time to talk about failure. But talk about it in a different way.

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COVID-19 Enda Larkin COVID-19 Enda Larkin


When written in Chinese, the word 'crisis' is composed of two characters. One represents danger and the other represents opportunity.

John F Kennedy

I know, I know. These quotes can be annoying at times like this. Regardless of your industry, it’s probably impossible to see any potential opportunities stemming from COVID-19 right now, and indeed they may well be few and far between. But there certainly is a present danger, so if nothing else, that must be faced down. In itself that presents an opportunity of sorts: to motivate your team to pull together as a unit to face down this crisis as best you can.

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“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Mark Twain